Thursday, March 5, 2015

Polling for Warren

Image result for elizabeth warren 2016

 After searching for polls for the 2016 Presidential Election, the name Elizabeth Warren doesn’t even make an appearance. Warren has denied rumors and stayed true to herself by saying she isn’t going to run and keeping her distance from obtaining the president title.

If Elizabeth were to declare to run there’s still almost 2 years out so, she would be fine, gaining support and getting her platform figured out there but compared to Hilary Clinton or Jeb Bush she would have a mountain climb just in the fact that she is behind compared to their campaigns.

Polling is essential to predict and guide us as a whole to know what lies ahead. Although, just like we’ve discussed in lecture we know that polls are not always correct especially this far out. With that being said, Warren could still declare to run for president, take the nation by storm and dominated the polls that Clinton is currently dominating, things can check in an instance.

I believe that this far advance nearly two years before the elections the polls are just allowing the voters to see who has announced that they are running, other than that I don’t believe the polls have any predictions for president, for Democratic or Republican candidate then yes, that’s a possibility. For example according to polls if the presidential election were next month it would be Hilary Clinton vs. Jeb Bush for example.

Image result for elizabeth warren 2016

Candidates also take to polls for answers. What are the issues the voter’s want addressed? Where do voters seek information? What are their thoughts? Opinions? Believes?

Issues for the 2016 Presidential Election based on polls so far are:
  • ·      Gun Control
  • ·      Health Care
  • ·      Economy
  • ·      Education


In my personal opinion although polls are excellent ways of finding out information, when they are stretched, done correctly, have a good sample size, diversity in that sample size, and answer more in-depth questions. However, nearly two years out, polls cannot correctly predict results, candidates yes but exact percentages then no polls are not useful and reliable tools into predicting what the next two years of campaigning is going to contain. For example, Mitt Romney has declared that he is not running for the 2016 president election but he is still showing up in polls as a front-runner for the Republican Party. Basically polls are helpful to an extent, but currently polls are not reliable.

10 Steps to Tell if a poll is Worthy or Not
1)   Know the purpose and the sponsor of the study
2)   Know who was interviewed
3)   Know how the survey respondents were selected
4)   Know how many people were interviewed
5)   Know the exact wording of the questions used
6)   Know the order and the context of the questions
7)   Recognize that there are “Opinions” and “Non-Opinions”
8)   Check the interpretations of the data
9)   Recognize that what was not reported may be important
10)  Be familiar with the reputations of the organization conducting the study


  1. What are things Warren could do if she decided to run to get her platform out into the open?

  2. As you mentioned Warren has claimed she is not going to run in 2016, do you think she will decide to at a later date though? Despite what she has said thus far.

  3. Morgan, I honestly do believe that if Clinton isn't able to run or chooses not to run for president in 2016, Warren will 100% decide to run. Even if Clinton does run I think the odds of Warren running are still pretty high, she has the support and is very qualified. Jordan, she would have to be more of a public national figure. For instance I personally didn't know who Martin O'Malley was until this class and I'm sure a lot of people feel that way about Elizabeth, therefore she would need to increase her online presence, her overall familiarity, and allow to connect to people all over the country.

  4. How do you think she can begin appearing on the polls?
    Polls are good but if she is not appearing then that might not be a good sign for her name

  5. Bria, I think that for a candidate to appear on polls they have to show interest in running, Warren shows zero interest in running for president. Warren is the one who's controlling her name on the polls.
