Thursday, February 12, 2015

Image and Issues

Ready for Warren

Elizabeth Warren's public image can be defined in one simple word: Intense

Elizabeth Warren is a worker for the American people, especially the middle class and working class of our country. Ms. Warren also stands for the students who are seeking helping for student loans after college. Warren's background has shaped her image into a well-known Democratic who's one job is to help those who need help the most, the middle class. With her experience in the bankruptcy Elizabeth doesn't shy away from finding the truth, telling the truth, and fighting for the truth. Elizabeth's image is flawless, hints why some many organizations and campaigns are pushing her to run for president in 2016, she already has a faithful group of followers from all of the country and she's only the senator of Massachusetts.

Strengths: She's what America wants, or in this case demands. No Democrat speaks as passionately and as effectively about issues related to income inequality, lack of functional governance, and the declining American middle class as Warren does. And during a campaign season in which Democrats had little to get excited about, her fist-pumping, high-decibel, populist harangues got crowds fired up wherever she went.

Weaknesses: Warren has declared several times that she has zero intentions of running for president, which to fellow Democrats and supporters of Elizabeth Warren this comes off as a weakness. Even though Warren has the support she needs, she personally is claiming there is no chance of her running, which creates a fake security. 

Opportunities: Elizabeth Warren has an opportunity to represent the true values of the American society, unlike Hilary Clinton; Warren doesn’t have any connections to Wall Street donors. Meaning that Warren would be strictly representing what the good of the society is rather than playing on funding and who that funding is coming from, Wall Street.

Threats: One threat that Elizabeth Warren has, is herself, with the claims that she isn’t going to run for president is making a campaign take off in the hopes that she does run very threatening and unsure.

Elizabeth Warren is known for sticking to her guns and not folding under Washington pressure. Warren doesn’t shy away from speaking the truth and calling people out. Warren is passionate about the middle class and helping those people shape their future since they are the class that shapes America. Warren is leading a battle for education in our society, especially the fight on student loans. Warren also is leading the battle for the government bailing out Wall Street, Warren cuts out all the middle ground unimportant issues and gets down to business, she is here to serve the people of the country to the best of her ability which means tackling the issues that are most important in our country. Education, government bailouts, and middle class bankruptcy.

If Warren were to run for president, she would have to voice about other issues obviously, for example Obamacare or the Middle East, but for the time being Warren is doing what she can with the power that she holds as Senator.


  1. Although the question of whether Warren is actually running in 2016, can be a potential weakness to her campaign. Do you see her "intense" public image as maybe somewhat of a weakness or even threat though, if she does decide to run next year? And if so, what do you think she can do to counteract that intense public image?

  2. Your introduction is very strong and it really grabbed my attention! I also liked that you put herself down as a threat because when I think of threats I think of a more external source but it makes complete sense that any candidate can either make or break themselves, and as we have seen in class, its happened before!

  3. Morgan, I do believe that her repeating herself of not running and then decided to run could be seen as a weakness, however, I believe that if she does chose to run it's going to be because of other factors that were not for seen. At this point, Warren herself is her greatest weakness and greatest strength. Sarah, thank you! Also, exactly a candidate is somewhat in control of their own destiny and Elizabeth is no different.
