Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Background of Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren

United States Senator from Massachusetts and a member of the Democratic Party.

Elizabeth Warren was previously a Harvard Law School professor specializing in bankruptcy law. Warren is an active consumer protection advocate whose work led to the conception and establishment of the U. S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

George Washington University
University of Houston
Rutgers University, Newark

In November 2008, Warren was tapped by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to chair the Congressional Oversight Panel, which was created to monitor the $700 billion bank bailout effort known as the Troubled Asset Relief Program. Warren headed investigations, conducted televised public hearings, led interviews of government officials and submitted monthly reports demanding accountability from banks. For her oversight efforts, The Boston Globe named Warren “Bostonian of the Year” in 2009.

In July 2011, Warren helped design the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) as part of the Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation. The main purpose of the CFPB was to police credit lenders and prevent consumers from unknowingly signing up for risky loans. But due largely in part to Republican opposition, Warren was not chosen to head the agency. She stepped down from the post in August 2011, and in September 2011, President Obama then appointed Warren as his special assistant.

Elected to U.S. Senate
September 14, 2011, Warren officially announced her candidacy for Massachusetts Senate, running against Republican Scott Brown. Around this time, a speech Warren delivered went viral on YouTube, gaining her mainstream support. In the clip, it showed an informal living room meet and greet with the Harvard law professor explaining how everyone benefits from roads, public safety, and the public education system in the United States, which are all paid for by taxes.

In June of 2012, Warren clinched the Democratic nomination in the Senate race, facing incumbent Republican opponent, Senator Scott Brown. The candidates were involved in a tight race. A poll released in September 2012 by the Public Policy Polling showed that Brown had a five-point lead over Warren. However, later that month, Warren earned national exposure as one of the speakers at the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, gaining the favor of many critics as well as a slight lead in the polls. At the Democratic convention, Warren heavily discussed the need for economic and government reforms.
“America’s middle class is getting hammered, and Washington is rigged to work for the big guy”

On November 6, 2012, Warren defeated incumbent Scott Brown with a total of 53.7% of the votes. She is the first woman ever elected to the U. S. Senate from Massachusetts.
            “I won’t just be your senator, I will also be your champion.”

Elizabeth is recognized as one of the nation’s top experts on bankruptcy and the financial pressures facing middle class families. She is widely credited for the original thinking, political courage, and relentless persistence that led to the creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Warren who looks out for middle class families also spends a great deal of time fighting for students who had to take out student loans to attend college, she’s an advocate for the people.


  1. Very nice blog post. Elizabeth Warren's resume is pretty impressive. I see the picture of her with Colbert and I was wondering how charismatic is she? Do you think she has enough charisma to connect with the American people and handle the position?

  2. I think that she is a well-endowed candidate. I was curious if she spent any actual time in law or law firms not just teaching the subject. Regardless of the answer to that she has proven herself as an intelligent individual. Also out of curiosity, how old is Warren?

  3. This blog post was very informative of how she has made a name for herself, especially considering that she is an accomplished female in the typically male dominant political world. I did get a sense of how much she has done, but putting that aside, do you think she will have the capability to connect with voters on a personal and emotional level? Since after reading this it seemed like she was a more tough and edgy female politician, which is not necessarily bad, but there will be times she will need to do things more on a personal level within her potential 2016 campaign.

  4. First off, I love how cute your blog is designed! I can't figure out how to make mine less ugly! On the other hand, I found it very influential that you said she is recognized as one of the nations top experts on bankruptcy and such, it really shows her success and experience. From what I've read, I think you picked a great candidate to do your project over!

  5. TJ, yes I do believe that Warren is a charismatic person. I'm not sure if you've even seen her speak outside government talk but she's a very funny lady, with a mid-west attitude in a sense. Jack, she actually did work at a law firm for a while after college but found her calling in teaching and she's 65. Morgan, Warren is a mother and grandmother and is a heartfelt person outside of the political world, just like Hilary Clinton they have to put on a face that might not be the warmest to get things done but on the flip side they do have a softer side. Thank you Sarah, and she's so amazing it was easy to find things to highlight about her.
